Forecasting Contract Disputes

For many businesses, contract disputes are more a question of “when” than “if.” Most people have heard that it is important to read the fine print before signing any document, but unfortunately, the fine print is not always all encompassing. Protecting one’s business from a dispute lies in preparation and knowledge. An experienced West Palm Beach business attorney can help out a business owner with the latter, but it is still beneficial to have a basic understanding of what conflicts could arise in order to avoid legal battles.
Contractual disputes typically fall into two categories: contracts between an employee and employer, and contracts made with an entity or individual outside of the company.
Employment Matters. Employee contract disputes can range from unclear expectations for expected performance to disagreements over working hours. Most commonly, contract disagreements involving employees will concern non-compete agreements. Such agreements bar the employee from working for competitors, sometimes even after parting ways from his current company. When this contract is breached, resolving it isn’t always cut and dry when the contract was not specific in detailing what businesses fit the mold of a competitor. As with any contract, it is important to be clear and try to forecast any rebuttals that may be used to defend a breach of contract.
Agreements Between Companies. Whether the contract exists between a business’s vendors, property management company or outsourcing, there is always the chance that one party will disagree over a previously agreed upon contract. Whichever side the business happens to be on, it is important to document any exchanges that affect the pre-determined expectations in the contract, to ensure the business is legally protected should a dispute arise. For instance, if a service was promised on a particular day, but had to be moved back for some reason — this change needs to be documented to avoid litigation down the line.
With any contract, clarity is of the utmost importance. Even expectations that seem obvious can be argued in court if not clearly stated in the agreement from the start. For that reason, the best defense against contract disputes is a relationship with a West Palm Beach business attorney who can help the business avoid disagreements from poorly drafted documents. And in the case that unforeseeable conflicts were to arise, said attorney can see the company through the matter effectively.
If you have questions about contract disputes, call our office today for the answers you need to make sure your business does not come under fire. Our team is always here to help.