Category Archives: Debt Collection and Regulation
New Program Benefits Delinquent Borrowers
The cessation of the Home Affordable Mortgage Program (HAMP) had been a concern for borrowers and creditors alike going into the new year, but a new option was recently introduced to help struggling borrowers avoid foreclosure. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have presented a new loss mitigation program called Flex Modification. A West Palm… Read More »
What are the responsibilities for a Power of Attorney?
Palm Beach is home to many retirees, and as such, you may find yourself in a situation where you have Power of Attorney for an elderly parent or family member. Financially speaking, having Power of aAttorney means that you are the point of contact for creditors and are responsible for acting in the principal’s… Read More »
How to best combat phantom debt collectors
There is an increasing number of innocent Americans that fall victim to phantom debt scammers every year. This issue ranks as the number two financial scam in the United States (behind identity theft), yet spotting someone attempting to collect on nonexistent debts can be extremely difficult. It is vital that you understand the telltale… Read More »
Do you have unclaimed money from an earlier bankruptcy case?
The country’s bankruptcy courts have a slew of unclaimed money from prior bankruptcy proceedings. If you were involved in a previous bankruptcy case, it’s possible that you made a few payments that never made their way to creditors, and they are now available to be reclaimed. Dubbed the “U.S. Bankruptcy Unclaimed Funds Locator,” this… Read More »