A Guide to Starting a Business

Starting a business is a complicated, albeit exciting endeavor. It takes a lot more than having an idea and running with it to become successful. Though you may not be aware of it, a West Palm Beach business attorney will play an important role in your business’s formation. For that reason, our firm has put together a helpful guide that will allow you to dive into entrepreneurship.
Here are the steps that need to be taken to start your own business:
1. Hone in on an idea
Maybe you dream of being your own boss, but you still are not completely sure what kind of business you hope to own. A business without a clear purpose is doomed from the beginning, so start by determining exactly what your business will provide. Is there something you are an expert on or particularly passionate about? Is there a void in an industry you are interested in filling? These questions should help you pin down your idea. From there, you will need to figure out what makes your idea special, as well as how your business will differentiate itself from the competition.
2. Narrow Down the Specifics
An idea is just that: an idea. The only way your business can make the move from your head to real life is if you have a strong business plan to accompany your dream. This proposal should serve to answer questions such as where it will be located and how startup costs will be financed. You will also need to outline your goals and how you plan to meet them, as well as any potential partnerships. Your carefully developed strategy will allow you to handle potential issues down the line, and provide you with a gauge for success.
3. Select the Right Entity
With the help of a West Palm Beach business attorney, you will need to determine what type of entity is best suited for your business. Your company’s entity will ultimately be dependent on your unique situation. Entity types your business may fall under are:
- Limited Liability Corporation (LLC)
- Corporation (C)
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
- S-Corp
- Sole Proprietorship
Once you have taken the necessary steps for opening the doors of your business, your West Palm Beach business attorney will work with you to ensure all legal requirements have been met. This may include assisting you with drafting bylaws, acquiring real estate, or assisting with permits and contracts.
If you have questions about starting a business, call our office today to learn more about the process and get started down the path to entrepreneurship.