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Monthly Archives: September 2024


Can I Apply for a New Loan During My Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

By Kelley Kaplan & Eller |

If you are planning to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in South Florida, or if you have recently had a Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan confirmed, you may have questions about what the bankruptcy process during the length of the plan will entail and how it will impact your ability to obtain a loan. In… Read More »

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Should I File for Chapter 11 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

By Kelley Kaplan & Eller |

Are you currently considering bankruptcy and trying to determine which type of bankruptcy is the best option for you, and which type of bankruptcy you are eligible to file for based on your current financial circumstances and US bankruptcy law? For debtors who are considering a reorganization bankruptcy — as opposed to a liquidation… Read More »

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What Do Subchapter V Reorganization Plans Look Like?

By Kelley Kaplan & Eller |

If your small business is considering a Subchapter V bankruptcy case, it is important to know what to expect as you develop your reorganization plan. For small businesses in South Florida, it is critical, first, to know that the debt limits for Subchapter V changed recently — you should be aware of the debt… Read More »

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Is There a Difference Between Consumer and Personal Bankruptcy?

By Kelley Kaplan & Eller |

If you are considering bankruptcy in South Florida and you (or your business) have never had any experience with bankruptcy law before, understanding the distinctions among different kinds of bankruptcy can be confusing. Not only are multiple different terms used to refer to the same subject or issue in some cases, but there are… Read More »

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How Long Does Each Type of Bankruptcy Take?

By Kelley Kaplan & Eller |

Whether you are considering an individual or a business bankruptcy filing, you are likely wondering how long you should expect the bankruptcy case to take. There is no specific time limit, or set number of days, in bankruptcy cases in general. And even within the timelines for each type of bankruptcy, debtors typically do… Read More »

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Why Does Current Monthly Income Matter for Bankruptcy?

By Kelley Kaplan & Eller |

Any individual who is currently considering a personal bankruptcy filing may have seen information about “current monthly income” or heard about the relevance of “current monthly income” in a bankruptcy case. What is “current monthly income,” and why does it matter if you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy? In short, current monthly income… Read More »

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